04 April, 2010

class outside.

on wednesday, the juniors didn't have class with patrick, so we decided to have our own class. outside.

i was very happy to be outside.

(seriously. weather greatly affects my mood. i am so happy that we have a sun again.)

but i was also very happy that we decided to have class, even though we didn't have to, even though no one directed us through discussion. and we still discussed. i think it was extremely successful, i felt like i learned more about everyone's work than i have this entire semester in that morning.
i don't know what i would do without my class. Anna Vining, Austin Buckingham, Brandon Frederick, CJ Schrat, Colin Burke, Cory Hinesley, Helio Leon, Jason Comotto, Justin Teel, Tweetie Foster. fantastic people, fantastic ideas. and my god. i am so glad you all care.
what's the point in doing anything if you don't care about it?

(photos by Tweetie and her Amazing Cell Phone Camera)

1 comment:

  1. 'I love you Lyd. and seriously though, im so glad we don't need to be told to care.. but we CARE EVEN MORE on our own.

    thank you for always being there for support i dont know what i would do with out you.
