05 February, 2010

explorative project proposal

For my first self-directed assignment this semester, I plan on continuing to search for my personal photographic theory (see my writings on the collective blog) through research. I will read various theories, not just those regarding visual arts, but also philosophy, literature, science, etc. By reading writings and manifestos I hope to make conclusions of my own about the topics discussed. I will begin with Surrealism. For everything that I read or see I will create a photographic response to what I have found. This blog will be where I put my notes, thoughts, findings, images, etc. over the next few weeks.

Wednesday in class i proposed this project. Pat suggested i read Rosalind Krauss, who has written on surrealism and photography and look at Fredrick Selmer's images. Abbe suggested i look at Maria Buszek's website for the information from her Surrealism class, and read the book for that class, Dada and Surrealism. I should also look at surrealist film and Ubu film for inspirations in lighting, etc. Emily suggested the book Art in Theory 1900-2000. Patrick also suggested October Magazine to keep up to date on current art theory.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia. Good plan.
    Lighting and Surrealist wise you should find the films of Krzysztof Kieslowski. I dont know if you have seen any of his work but in particular, The Double Life of Veronique and Blind Chance, he also made a kind of trilogy Red, White, Blue. All are epic and old school and freaking bizzare and beautiful.
    Also Red Road is a more modern one, weird plot that doesnt really relate to what your doing (its all about surveillance, hence my interest) but it is AMAZING in terms of coulr and angles and shots. Inspirational. Also have you seen Chris Markers stuff>? most infamously Le Jetee but Sans Soli is also suppsoed to be rad.
    Yea thats all iv got right now...
