25 February, 2011

poster/flyer mockup! [EDIT]

obviously, we have not settled a date yet.... but hopefully that will be taken care of soon!

so what do you think of the title? the design? comment!


here's a couple other versions

14 February, 2011

04 February, 2011

exhibition preparation schedule/thesis talk preparation

This is the schedule I've devised for myself:

02/07 – 02/20
- Select images to be printed for senior thesis exhibition
- Complete video for installation at exhibition
- Take photographs and measurements of exhibition space
- Finalize ideas for display of prints and video installation
- Consider title for exhibition/project

02/21 - 03/06
- Settle date for exhibition
- Finalize title
- Begin printing images for exhibition
- Determine logistics of how prints will be framed/mounted/displayed
- Reserve necessary equipment for installation

03/07 – 03/20
- Complete printing
- Begin framing/mounting/whatever method of display for prints
- Begin any building required for installation
- Poster/flyer designs

03/21 – 4/3
- Complete framing/mounting/etc
- Test run of installation
- Send out flyers/hang posters

4/4 – 4/30
- Exhibition will take place on one of these dates.
- Exhibition will be completely installed and shown during this time.

In the meantime, I'll also be working on my senior thesis talk, which will take place on 27 April.

I've started that... it was suggested that we organize our talk not chronologically, but by related ideas or themes. So I came up with a list of themes that commonly appear in my work, then a list of all the projects I've done. But I realized that these themes can apply to much of my work. I tried to make a flow chart illustrating this...

.... but that got a little messy.

so instead i did this:
The projects are listed on the left side, somewhat chronologically, and the themes are on the right. I gave each theme a color, then drew a line from that theme to each project it applies to.

So now I just have to work out how and in what order I'm going to talk about everything. Yay.

02 February, 2011

younger days

at this point we lived on Charlotte.

my dad & me

the date on this picture is wrong. i know i got that camera when i was eight. (also, i was not alive in '85)

check out the bandaid on my foot.

i either just turned sixteen or was about to here.

drawing with my mom.