20 September, 2010


from abroad-


  1. i wish you had linked your videos to it!

    i was like DANNNGGGGG

  2. well. i had a bit of trouble with the color one (that was on the screens above the stairs). the version that's up on youtube isn't the right one, and after editing it i had a hard time compressing it enough. so then i tried to make a shorter version, but the sound didn't quite fit anymore. so i changed all that, and made a really weird, very different short version that i didn't really like all that much. so when our internet kept cutting out while i was trying to upload it to vimeo, i decided to give up.

    there is one other video on my vimeo page, though, so, y'know, if for some reason you guys clicked on the video i had in my retrospective to go to my page, you coulda seen it. but i thought just that video didn't really capture everything i did with that class, so, i decided not to put it in my retrospective.

    whew. long comment.
