29 June, 2010

6/28/10 Los Angeles, I'm Yours

I suppose I should begin by writing about vegas. but what can I really say that you haven't already heard? honestly, I thought I would be more impressed. someone whose opinion I used to hold in high regard had gone on and on to me about the place, the lights (if you think I'm talking about you, I'm not. that person wouldn't be reading this.)... but, as my father pointed out, “this would be a lot better if we were high.” yeah, it would. and that aforementioned person probably was. so it makes sense.

it would also have been a lot better if we could have done anything besides look. oh, we did have an incredibly expensive (and delicious) dinner. and I took forty bucks from an ATM to gamble with … but I quickly realized that was pointless. if I were to really play, I'd want to play a real game. poker, where you're playing with other players instead of with a couple people and the casino, well that was $100 to buy in. if I had that much to spare I would have done it. someday, when I have a few hundred dollars to spare, I'll get some folks together and go back and do it right. see a show, too. but, alas, I was only willing to take out $40. and I played $16 of it on those little electronic machines. lost it all.

our hotel in vegas was cheap, though. and really, really nice. it cost as much as the place we're staying here in hollywood, which is a pretty shady place...

when we first arrived the sun was out. the weather was perfect. that perfect LA weather you always hear about. I laid by the pool in a vain attempt to get some color on my skin. though the desert darkened my face chest and arms, the rest of me is still ghostly. hollywood is not what I expected. I expected it to be glamorous. but where we're staying, melrose and vine, it kind of reminds me of 39th street with mexicans instead of black people. the neighborhoods are transitional. kinda like midtown. on hollywood boulevard there are a surprising number of stores selling stripper garb. but grauman's chinese theater impressed me. I admit, I got excited seeing how big/small the hands and feet of the famous are.

that was today that we did hollywood. last night we were in santa monica. when we got to the beach I realized how much I missed the ocean. when was the last time I saw it? had it really been five years? I think so. there was a time in my life when I was on the gulf coast every summer. the smell. the sand. the water on my feet and ankles and dampening my pantlegs. I wanted to dive in but I hadn't brought the proper attire. I used to lay on the beach in the surf and let the water push and pull me up and down so I felt like I was part of the tide. I wanted to do that again. I'm so happy that I'll be living by the ocean. I can't explain how wonderful that sounds to me. I can't believe I survived without it. but I believe I will again, because I always do.

the way LA is so shabby in some areas (even though we've not gone to south central or any of its truly shady parts) gives me the illusion that I could live here.

after hollywood today we drove mullholland drive, looked out over the valley, drove through a corner of beverly hills then up the beach to malibu and back. it was overcast all day except for a few moments up in the mountains. though I wore my swimsuit the beach was too cold, so I just walked and let the water on my feet and my pantlegs like last night. sat on the beach and watched it and felt the sand in my fingers and toes and arms and listened to the waves. the smell. I love it.

a friend from school happens to be here now. he got a fantastic opportunity. an editing job. Adam and I met up and shopped at h&m where I spent the last of my american cash.

tomorrow night I fly out. I know I'll be back here.

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